Angela Dove is our Youth Director. She has brought a lot of spiritual energy to the post and she has already worked to continue to build the Catholic Faith into our Youth. With the resumption of Youth gatherings she is excited and expects the new year to be even better for our Catholic Youth.
Below are some of the activities planned for the Summer of 2024.
Vacation Bible School - June 24th - 28th.
Steubenville-Atlanta Trip - July 26-28. For students entering the 9th grade in the fall of 2024 through graduating Seniors. Registration fee is $100 and must be paid prior to the registration being accepted. Registration is now full. Please contact Angela to get on a stand by list.
During the school year, the Youth Group meets on the second & fourth Sundays each month at 4:00 PM in the Family Life Center. Youth from 6th-12th grades are invited and welcomed.
Please check the bulletin or your email inbox for upcoming activities/programs and events that will appeal to all of our youth.
For information, contact Angela Dove in the Parish Office, 601-436-6025, or by email -