Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is held every Thursday from 12:00 – 6:00 p.m. in St. Aloysius Chapel in the St. Patrick Parish Center. To sign up for a regular time, contact Pam Walston at 601-485-8513.
Eucharistic Adoration flows from the Mass and prepares us to celebrate the Liturgy with full, active and conscious participation. When we as individuals or as a community take time out of our hectic lives and give a little to our Lord we proclaim to everyone that Jesus, Our Lord, is truly present among us. We attest to the importance of prayer in our lives. The more we avail ourselves of presenting ourselves before the Lord in his Eucharistic Presence, the more we respond to his invitation "Could you not watch one hour with Me?" By our prayer and presence we bring Christ to His people.
You may sign up to be an "adorer" which allows you to schedule yourself for one or more hours per week to pray before the very presence of Our Lord, exposed in the monstrance. It means that you can have some time alone with Jesus to recite your favorite prayers, read the bible, contemplate acts of faith, hope, charity, thanksgiving, reparation, pray a rosary or do whatever type of prayerful devotion that suits you before Our Lord. You can just sit and say nothing simply keeping Him company, just as you would with a dear friend.