Active Christian Enthusiastic Seniors (ACES)
A group where adults, 50 years and older, can meet, greet, share activities and grow as an energetic and valuable group in the Catholic Church. Meetings are held on the 2nd Thursday at 2P in the Father Vally Room each month beginning in September thru April, unless otherwise stated.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
Eucharistic Adoration is held every Thursday from 12:00 – 6:00 p.m. in the St. Aloysius Chapel in the St. Patrick Parish Center. To sign up for an hour or for more information, please contact Pam Walston 601 934-0119. Please note during Lent, Adoration is 1P-6P to allow parishioners an opportunity to attend the downtown Lenten Services
Catholic Women Organization (CWO) of St. Patrick
Come join this group of women who are jumpstarting faith involvement back into our parishes by supporting existing ministries and creating new ways to engage with our parishioners. To join or for more information, please contact Adrian Viger in the Parish Office (Mondays or Wednesdays) 601-693-1321 Ext 3.
Children's Church
Children's Church has resumed and will be held during the Sunday 11A Mass each Sunday, except for holidays. Volunteers are needed and if you are interested in helping to lead CC, please contact John in the parish office. Children's Church will resume September 8, 2024.
Goodwill Committee
The St. Patrick Goodwill Committee ministers to the families of parishioners that pass away by offering a bereavement meal after the funeral. The only requirement is an occasional dish or a small contribution towards a family meal. Currently the coordinator of this committee is vacant. If you have an interest in the ministry, please contact the Parish Office for more information.
Hospitality Committee
The St. Joseph Hospitality Committee is an organization of Christian hospitality and outreach. The annual October Festival will be October 1st from 11a-2p on the grounds of St. Joseph Church. Proceeds provide funding for the memorial repass, St. Joseph Feast Dinner, and graduates' party. If you are interested in joining this ministry, contact Rhonda Carr at 601-227-1199 or
Knights of Columbus
Any adult male, 18 years or older, who is a practicing Catholic and interested in joining should contact a member or the Grand Knight (Greg Stephens 601-917-2955). The Knights of Columbus is the largest fraternal organization in the world. Your membership makes a statement about you. If interested, please click
Knights of Peter Claver
The Knights of Peter Claver is a Catholic Fraternal organization founded in Mobile, Alabama in 1909. Membership is open to all practicing Catholic men at least 18 years old. The Knights of Peter Claver offer diversified programs, civic improvement, scholarships, charitable giving and youth activities. The local council is Fr. Arthur C. Winters, Council # 208. We would love to have you apply for membership in the local council. For more information or to become a member, contact David T. Stephens at 601-938-5757.
Merciful Mufflers
A multi-faceted ministry outreach program which combines prayer, fellowship, and community service. Members of this ministry knit and crochet scarves, hats, and hand warmers for the homeless, prayer shawls and lap robes for the homebound, ill, and caregivers, and white baby blankets for newly baptized infants. This group currently meets every Monday (except Holidays) (2P-4P) in the Monsignor Burns Room in the St. Patrick Parish Center. For more information, please contact Pam Walston 601 934-0119).
Our Lady of Fatima Sodality
Our Lady of Fatima Sodality is a group of women who meet periodically to pray and to plan service activities for our community; e.g. weekly dusting/light cleaning of St. Patrick Church, operating Our Lady's Corner Books and Gifts, coordinating volunteers for Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. Anyone who would like to join — or even just help with any of our project — you can call Pat Risch at 601-479-0920, e-mail, or stop by Our Lady's Corner.
Prison Ministry
St. Patrick Prison Ministry brings the Word of God and the Body of Christ to the prisoners at the Lost Gap Correctional Facility, which houses 1500 inmates. Our dedicated group of volunteers bring faith, peace, hope and concern. Call John Maloney, 601-527-3493 or Ken Woodward @ the St. Patrick Parish Office, 601-693-1321 ext 5.
Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA)
Travels the spiritual journey and shares our faith with those that are interested in coming into full communion with the Catholic Church; sessions meet each week from September to Pentecost. Please contact Ken Woodward at 601-693-1321 ext 5 or
Servants of Mary
The Servants of Mary, open to all adult women, are committed to prayer, community service and charitable giving, following the example of Mary who is "Blessed among women". To join or learn more, contact Ida Tomlin at
St. Patrick Sunday Morning Choir
To aid the congregation to full participation in prayer and worship through song. Contact Sarah Pogue, Music Director, for more information.
Wednesday Night Dinners
Wednesday Nights Dinners have concluded and will be each Wednesday evening that PSR in session during the 2024-2025 year.