Formerly R.C.I.A, Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults
Why Catholic? Why Not?
Thinking about joining the Catholic Church? Or perhaps just interested to know what the Catholic Church teaches? The Catholic Community of Meridian (CCM) will soon begin a new journey of conversion to share the richness of the Catholic Faith with others. This journey begins through a process known as the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA). Instruction is provided in a wide range of subjects including Church doctrine, sacraments & sacramental theology, moral/social justice, Divine Revelation (Scripture & Tradition), and other faith formation matters. OCIA is a structured process allowing ample time for reflection, questions, and discussions. If you have concerns or questions about the Catholic faith, this is the venue to find the answers you have been seeking. To echo the words of Christ the Lord, “Come and See!”
Who should consider attending OCIA?
OCIA Classes are held each Sunday (9:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.) in the Father Vally Room at the St. Patrick Parish Center with the exception of January 19, 2025 when the class will be held in Kehrer Hall after the 8:30 a.m. Mass at St. Joseph Church.
If interested or for more information, please contact:
Ken Woodward at the Parish Office (601) 693-1321 Ext 5) or by email: