Our Parish School of Religion, secure in the love of the Father, and guided by the Holy Spirit, strives to reach out with today's living Gospel message to all parish families.
Our mission is to provide Catholic religious education for children in Grades K-12, in the hope that these children and their families, always looking to Jesus as their role model and to the Holy Spirit for guidance, grow in religious knowledge, becoming active in faith and service.
This year we are excited that we will be introducing a new curriculum for our K-8th grade students. The Augustine Institute (the same organization produces FORMED) has created a new series of faith study called "Word of Life." The Augustine Institute has poured a tremendous amount of research into this new curriculum and we are hopeful that our students and catechists alike will be enriched in their faith during this next year.
Our PSR program provides formal Catholic religious education (see schedule above) for students who attend area public schools and non-Catholic private schools. Our program continues and supplements the religious formation from parents, who are the first teachers of their children in the ways of the faith. We assist families in the areas of knowledge of the faith, beliefs and Christian life skills and religious practices, and strengthening the growing relationship with Jesus and his Church. Children in Grade 2 are prepared to receive First Reconciliation and First Communion, and youth in Grade 9 start a Confirmation Preparation program that is followed in Grade 10 with a two-year preparation to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation.
Stewardship of Time and Talent is actively encouraged in our Parish School of Religion. Parents and parishioners alike are involved in the program in various ways. Over fifty adults serve regularly as catechists, co-catechists, classroom aides in the 13 classroom groups. Others provide help as substitute catechists and aides.
Our sacrament preparation guidelines are as follows: Students must have at least one year of religious education prior to the year of preparation. The primary educators for the sacrament are the parents. It is our expectation that the children attend Mass each weekend and have good attendance in our Parish School of Religion or attend Catholic School.
In order to receive the sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession), students must be enrolled in PSR and have had at least one year of formation prior to the year of preparation, or be enrolled in a Catholic School.
In order to receive the preparation for the Sacrament of Communion, students must complete the process of preparation for First Reconciliation. The Sacrament will be offered to the children attending the 2nd grade PSR class during this coming year. The Sacrament of First Holy Communion was celebrated April 27, 2025. If you have an older child that has not received First Holy Communion please contact John in the Parish Office for information (601) 693 1321 Ext 9 or by email john@catholicmeridian.org.
The next Sacrament of Confirmation celebration will take place at a date to be determined. The Diocese of Jackson requires a two-year program of preparation for this sacrament. Additionally, the Parish has a Confirmation Prep class for 9th grade students.
It is, therefore, necessary that students in the 9th grade who plan to be confirmed in the spring of 2027, attend PSR classes beginning this year (2024-2025). PSR teachers are prepared for the instructions of a two year program. Additionally, as noted above, it is strongly recommended that 9th graders attend PSR as this time of Faith Formation is called Confirmation Prep. During this year, students are in the beginning stations of preparation for the Sacrament. For more information on the Sacrament of Confirmation, please contact Angela Dove at the Parish Office (601) 693 1321 Extension 8 or by email angela@catholicmeridian.org.
Do you have a school age child in Grade K-12 who needs religious education? What would you like to do to enhance our PSR program? For more information, contact the Parish Office at 601-693-1321.