Registration for 2024-2025 is now open. For all classes (K - Confirmation 2nd Year) will be every Wednesday. The students will meet in St. Patrick Church at 6:15 p.m. and class times will be 6:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. Students will be dismissed directly from their classrooms to the entrance of the Family Life Center. If your child was not baptized at St. Joseph or St. Patrick, we will need verification of their baptism, if they are in the First Communion or Confirmation classes. PSR fees this year will again be $25 for one child, $35 for two children and $45 for three or more children. If you register online, please either mail or drop your payment off at the parish office as there is no method to pay online currently. Thank you.
Email is one of the important means of communication. Please provide a reliable address.
As a parent/guardian, I understand that my child may be filmed or photographed (individual and group) during this event. I give permission for my child’s image to be used for promotional materials (power point presentations, website, newsletter, etc.) to highlight this event. No names will be used, only photos and videos.
By submitting this online form, I agree that all the included information is accurate to the best of my knowledge. I understand that a copy of my child's sacramental certificates is needed to complete my child's registration.
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